Oriental Mood : "Salam Aleicum" (2023)
Lars Bo Kujahn/Kasper Søeborg Duo : "Word n Global" (2020) Olafssongs Rec.
Oriental Mood : ”Best of Oriental Mood 1993-2018” (2018)
Fatma Zidan : ”Zaman” (2018)
Oriental Mood : ”Oriental Timing” (2017)
Oriental Mood : ”Manzar Gamil” (2013)
Sigurd Barreth : ”Atlas” (2012)
Kasper Soeborg :”Global Accent” (2011)
Fatma Zidan : “Hawel” (2010)
Oriental Percussion 2 (2009) incl. DVD-
Oriental Mood (2008) recording "Olsen Banden Junior"
for Bent Fabricius Bjerre w. DRU
Oriental Mood : “Muktalef” (2007)
Kasper Soeborg :”Guitarspheres” (2005)
Lars Bo Kujahn: “Lars Buka” (2003)
Oriental Mood: “Oriental Cut” (2003)
Oriental Mood: “Oriental Visits” (2001)
Infernal : “Waiting for daylight”(2001)
Outlandish : (Barrells of bread and water (nr.10)
Oriental Mood: “Best of Oriental Mood +2″ (1999)
Orientexpresen: “Mahala” (1998)
Oriental Mood: “Oriental Garden”(1998)
Oriental Mood: “Oriental Moods”(1996)
Nazê (Kurdisk) “Ax Kurdistan” (1996)
Nazê: “Kurdistan – the forgotten world”
Orientexpresen: “Expressivo” (1995)
Besættelsens Sange (1995)
(Pelle Voight)
Oriental Mood: “Travels”(1994)
“Oriental Percussion” (1991) and “Oriental Percussion 2” (2005)
how to play percussion from the Middle East Mellemøsten.
Kefir: “Kefir” (1985)